Browsing All posts tagged under »NBC Nightly News«

What Brian doesn’t tell you, Jon will

March 31, 2011


I’m a huge NBC Nightly News fan—partly because I have a huge crush on Brian Williams—but mostly because I feel like a great deal of conscientious news judgement goes into each broadcast. I like that foreign news with the amazing Richard Engles has often led the broadcast in recent weeks, and I also like the White […]

Mark Zuckerberg, President of Egypt?

March 3, 2011


Hearing Iason Athanasiadis speak about his experience as a foreign correspondent covering the Middle East—and specifically his time in Tahrir Square during last month’s protests—was hands down, my favorite “My Life As…” lecture here at Stony Brook University. I could fill this entry with the various reasons explaining why this lecture was my favorite, but in order […]